Others say the tradition began in Roman times. The Romans were known for holding three different types of occasions from birthdays, to individuals, cities and temples and the current and past emperors and members of his family. A special cake baked for a celebration of fifty years with olive oil, honey, cheese and wheat flour.
The ancient Greeks are said to make cakes of bread and honey, to commemorate his birthday. In England, it was customary to cook the objects inside a thimble or currencies. It was thought that the currency has become rich and prosperous, and the unlucky finder of the thimble would never have the opportunity to marry. Each object has found meaning a prediction.

The candles on a birthday cake were originally used for God's wishes for a happy birthday. Ancient peoples used to say his prayers over an open fire because they believed that the smoke would carry their thoughts to the gods. Today, the birthday celebrant is the challenge of a sudden all the candles with one breath to make your wish come true.
Birthday celebrations are a global issue